Hear from our clients
Our clients are at the heart of Ascent and we are proud of the long term relationships we have built with many of our clients. Below are a few testimonials from our clients, we hope you enjoy reading!
Flexible Pensions
When Andy met the directors of a profitable software company, they had neglected their pensions because they had concentrated on growing their business.
They also didn’t trust insurance companies to invest their money. Andy was able to show them how they could use their pension funds to purchase a commercial property and now their company rents these premises from the pension scheme.
“Andy showed us that it was relatively simple to combine investing in the company with pensions. I am confident that our property investment will increase in value in addition to the rental income.” said the Managing Director.
Tax Saving Investments
The CEO of a public company wanted to reduce his tax bill at the end of a successful year and knew about VCT’s.
We were able to take him through the features of various trusts so that he could make a choice that took into account the growth prospects, tax benefits and the risks. In addition, we were able to recommend tax-savings that were lower risk by making pension contributions.
“I was able to make informed choices and they reacted quickly to meet a tight timescale” said the CEO.
Consolidation and Appraisal
When the manager of a fashion house came to us, the most important thing for him was to review the plans he had in force and whether he needed them.
We were able to provide him with a simple schedule review of his plans and explain what each of his policies did. It transpired that some of the policies were surplus to requirements and would not have paid out if he had fallen ill. In addition, we were able to identify where savings could be made by replacing existing contracts.
“Now I could rest easy because my finances were in order and would be reviewed each year” he said.
Common Sense Consultancy
When the Trustees of a defined benefit pension scheme were faced with new funding regulations, they were concerned they would find themselves in conflict with the best interests of the company.
Derrick was able to help the Trustees understand the range of options available and agreement on a funding rate was reached with the Company that took into account the best interests of both parties.
“Without good advice, its easy to see how conflict between sponsoring employers and Pension Scheme Trustees can arise – and how consultancy fees can escalate! Derrick’s common sense approach to the issues enabled us to reach a sensible agreement with the company while fulfilling our responsibilities to scheme members,” said the chairman of the Trustees.
Good Communication
A manufacturing company with a defined benefit scheme wanted to close it to future accrual, but feared it would face stiff opposition from the union that represented many of their staff.
Derrick was able to help the company agree the terms of closure with the scheme trustees and was influential in helping the company carry through its proposals with the consent of the union and without industrial action. This was achieved through meetings with the unions and their pension specialists and explaining the company’s case in balanced terms.
“Without the involvement of someone who understands pensions and wider business issues, such a difficult change can easily go wrong. Derrick’s pragmatic approach and ability to communicate with people – from the factory floor up to board level – made the job a whole lot easier. His support was invaluable” said the Managing Director.
Benefit Review
A successful internet marketing company engaged us to undertake a full review of their employee benefit offering. They wanted to ensure they were spending their money wisely and in a way that our employees would really value. It was also important to them to ensure their existing arrangements were providing the best value for money.
“Key to the reviews success was the professional approach taken. In identifying areas for improvement and working with us to engage our employees the process was painless and easy to understand. We were left in no doubt that the recommended changes provided better use of our money, whilst our employees could see real value in their benefits package” said the financial controller.